
A Day In The Life is something I have wanted to do with Archer for a long time. There are so many things about him right now that I want to remember, and since our world is about to be rocked (in the best way!) by his first sibling, I thought this would be a good time to do it. These images are by no means award-winning, nor are they a reflection of my most creative work, but they are us, and they are perfect. I have also been playing lately with some filmy edits, which I am not sold on, but I think they bring a nice little touch to these snaps of our daily life. Plus, I live life on the edge.

Also, this post is picture heavy, so please be patient while it loads, it may be slow!

Enough rambling.


February 29, 2016.

It is not often that I am awake before Archer on a day we are spending at home. I really enjoy when he comes into our bed in the mornings to wake me up, but by 8:15 I couldn’t sleep any longer and my body was begging to be moved. A nice slow wake up in bed gave me the time to prepare for doing a Day In The Life project, which I thought would be special since it was February 29th, a bonus day, which by chance I had off work and could be at home.

8:46am: Mornin’.


9:09am: Patiently waiting for that little bum to stir.

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9:23am: Oh hello.

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9:27am: Decisions, decisions.

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9:31am: Does anyone else feel like this face perfectly describes their morning?


9:41am: Some toons to get us moving (and a bribe to eat breakfast).


A little heart in my cereal <3

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Coffe + lemon water is morning perfection.


10:45am: Someone got a little muddy outside.


10:50am: Responsibility.

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11:10am: Dressed and ready to go.


11:37am: Who knew the library was closed on Mondays?! So disappointed.

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11:55am: Home to some fun mail.

DITLFilm-22 DITLFilm-23 DITLFilm-2412:09pm: “I want to paint”

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12:32pm: After approximately 3.5 minutes of painting, we are ready to have a bath.

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1:21pm: Peeking undies at lunch.

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1:29: A quick game of hockey.

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1:38pm: It was a really quick game. On to trains.

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1:46pm: Time for a nap!

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2:11pm: Someone has trouble staying in bed…


4:06pm: Time to get everyone moving again



4:29pm: A snack that will almost definitely ruin your dinner.


5:21pm: Giving me a hand in the kitchen. And just like his mama, starting dinner prep with some tunes.

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5:42pm: Some hockey while we wait.


6:00pm: Daddy’s home!


7:27pm: Slowing down and building with Dad before bed time.


8:17pm: No day would be complete without a meltdown (which is apparently very amusing for Dad!)

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8:35pm: Taking care of our teeth and getting in our jim-jams.

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10:41pm: Our turn to head to bed. Goodnight world.







A Day In The Life | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

Anybody else’s toddler know how to give wicked stink eye? I thought I could get some cute pictures of him playing hide-and-seek, but no.

“No, you put that camera down Mummy” were his exact words. Photographers Child Syndrome is a real thing, I know, but I didn’t think this battle would start so soon.

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But I can be sneaky…

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Hopefully this was the last of the snow for the year! Archer loves to shovel snow, and he had some fun helping Nanny and Dad. I will put these pictures aside for when he is 16 and complaining about shovelling the sidewalks.

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A night on the town for us and a sleep over and Grandma + Papa’s for the little dude. Although I couldn’t partake in any of the shenanigans I had some fun of my own at the concert. The Trews put on an awesome acoustic show!

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And finally, another weekend finished with a nap on the couch while we cleaned up and got ourselves packed for Denver. Lucky little dude gets to sleep through the Sunday chaos. Relaxing Sundays do not exist in our world!

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Thanks for stopping by. During this week I also completed a Day In The Life while home with Archer for a day, so stay tuned for that post!



Week 9 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

Our days as a family of 3 are quickly running out. Although we are all very excited for the new addition to our little nest, I am trying to soak up as much one-on-one time with Archer as I possibly can. I have been working less hours, a change that has come at a great time for me, both physically and emotionally. When I found out we were pregnant I immediately thought of all of all of the opportunities to get in front of the camera with Archer and my belly, but here we are only 8 weeks away and I have very few. These might not include my belly as the focus, but these moments with my little man are so important to me right now, infinitely more important than any belly shots. These are a much more fitting representation of our life right now: Archer having a few quiet moments before the dinner rush/witching hour and me, home from work for 10 minutes and already in my pyjamas.

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Saturday mornings are my absolute favourite moments of the week. There are no alarms to wake us up and we usually get a few minutes of cuddles and play time in bed before we make breakfast. On this particular Saturday, I was up at 7:30, waiting for Archer to make his entrance as he usually does. When 8:00 rolled around and he hadn’t woken up yet and I couldn’t get back to sleep (thanks motherhood), I got up and grabbed my camera so I was ready when he finally did wake. At 9:00 I finally went into Archer’s room to make sure he was still alive and woke him up (at this point I was extremely bored and had already scanned every form of social media on my phone an unhealthy amount).


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Stair races to the potty.

Week 8-10

Archer is always eager to help Daddy with whatever project he has going on (he’s a “really useful engine”). He did have some trouble understanding why Eric’s shirt had no sleeves, and has since been asking about the mysterious Sleeve Monster…

Week 8-12

And no weekend would be complete without a skate, this time with our BFF Zach. It was Archer’s first day of skating on his own, and he went the length of the ice without anyones help. I only took, like, 12 videos and 30 pictures….

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Week 8-14

And because everyone worked really hard and tried their best skating, we finished the afternoon with some donuts.

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Thanks for stopping by!


Week 8 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography


How cool is it to get a bonus day! It doesn’t come often, so Archer and I are spending it a special way: by documenting it completely. I have been toying with the idea of doing a “Day In The Life” project for a while, and I knew I wanted to do one with Archer before the next little guy arrives, and today was the perfect day! So stay tuned for that blog post in a few weeks!

As for the seventh week of the year, it was spent like many others. But between all of the mundane moments, we all have a story to tell and memories to share.

Archer received some sport shorts from Meme for the spring, and immediately thought they were hockey pants and there was no telling him otherwise! He was so excited to wear them after we washed them, and that excitement did not wear off for a number of days. With it being winter, shorts are not really a viable clothing option (despite Archer’s insistence that “they are hockey PANTS mummy!”) so on they went over his pants.

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And there they remained for a few days.

Week 7-3

We love when Daddy is home on Fridays to hang out with us for one extra day. In the midst of trying to finish up a few projects around the house, Archer had a project for Daddy too. Thomas and his friends run out of batteries weekly because someone likes to drive them into the wall and let them run there for the night.

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Thank you Daddy!

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Oh, and James too Daddy.

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Week 7-12

Back in business.

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And just in case you thought we might have gone a week without some skating pictures…

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Week 7-16

I have to laugh at these pictures. Archer, being a two year old, sometimes just wants to go sit on the ice and watch all of the big kids skate. Eric, being a man, does not quite understand how this is fun or, more importantly, productive. He thinks he is teaching Archer all of these big lessons on hard work and trying his best, and while I stand back and watch I see a completely different story. Archer is slowly teaching his Daddy some lessons on patience and letting go, on having fun and how to not take things so seriously. Sometimes time “wasted” is the time best spent.Week 7-17

Week 7-18

(That being said, these pictures looks like a much more serious moment than they actually were. And it must be a little frustrating to carry a 35lb child around the ice while bent over. My seat is pretty cushy from the sidelines)

I hope you are spending your “extra” day doing something special.


Week 7 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

Well, we finally had some of that white fluffy stuff show up, even if it was only for a few days. Archer and I enjoyed approximately 15 minutes outside one sunny morning. It was all fun and games until his mitten fell off and he touched the snow with his bare hands, at which point the world came to an end and a two-year-old sized tantrum ensued. The fun adventure ended with both of us covered in frozen snot and ready for a nap.Week 6-1Week 6-2Week 6-3Week 6-4Week 6-5

Valentine’s Day is not a holiday we generally celebrate, but I just can’t help myself when I see cute little take-out boxes screaming to be filled with candy for him. Since dad was gone on a fishing trip Archer and I enjoyed a pyjama day filled with “marties” and cuddles. As always, Archer was happy to share with the dog.Week 6-6Week 6-7Week 6-8

Archer and Wilf have a really funny relationship, which I think will only be strengthened once this next little bruiser arrives. Wilf is usually pretty reluctant to play with Archer (unless is involves adult attention), but Archer gives him no choice by chasing him around the house with his ATV

Week 6-10

This usually ends with Wilf running up the stairs to escape after a few laps, and Archer hunting him down saying “I sorry Wilf, you my best friend”. (This both melts my heart and makes me jealous at the same time, because um, I thought I was your best friend?!)

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And once nap time arrives Wilf sighs in relief while I set to work

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And just to finish the week off right, a little toddler time-out for you. I don’t even remember what he did, but he takes his time-outs very seriously. And I can’t help but suppress a giggle when he is just so cute and apologizing to me through a face full of tears and, you guessed it, more snot.

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I mean, how can you stay mad at that face?

Happy Monday folks!



Week 6 | Projet 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

Do you think this kid will ever tire of playing hockey? Most days we get home from work and daycare and have a few moments of sunlight left to play in before I have to start making dinner. Thankfully, the sun has been hanging around a little bit longer each day, but these first 15 minutes home from work are some of my favourite. Archer runs in and sets up his net, grabs his stick and helmet, and hunts down the hockey puck (usually stolen by Wilfrid) for a quick game.

Week 5-1Week 5-2Week 5-3Week 5-4

Slowly but surely he is getting the hang of the potty. Although we are not in any rush or pushing Archer in any way, he has made some great progress in the last month with the potty, usually making it through most days with only a couple of wet diapers. As soon as he sits on the potty and starts to pee he says ” I wash my hands and get a jelly bean!”. While having a particularly good day (a poop on the potty!), and for the sake of some fun pictures, I let him have a jelly bean free-for-all on the counter.

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watch out for those cinnamon ones!


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With another little guy on the way I am now more aware of how much Archer has grown and developed. Especially within the last year, his skills and personality have really started to shine. He is such a smart little boy, and he is at the age where he remembers everything and says the funniest things, often repeating things we said days or even weeks before. Although he likes to play with friends and have constant company, he has such an independent mind. He does not want help building or creating, yet he wants you to be right beside him as he figures it out on his own.

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I am proud to say that he is so much like his dad. He is always on the go, he is a hard worker, and he is happiest when surrounded by friends. These two boys have taught me a lot about life and love, and even more about myself. I have said it before and I know I will say it again, but I am one lucky girl. And in about 2 months my luck is going to increase again.

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Don’t worry bud, I’m always right here.


Week 5 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

Archer started the week off right with a 6 am wake up call, followed by a countertop breakfast. He is actually the only human on the planet I can bare to talk to before coffee.

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I think until my Mat leave starts again, this is going to end up reflecting more of our weekend life than our every day. Working all day and coming home to a setting sun while trying to prepare a healthy dinner with nearly empty cupboards and no produce does not exactly make for ideal photography, at least not taken by me. I really wanted this 52 to reflect more of our daily life, but that just doesn’t seem realistic for the next few months. But as with anything in parenthood/life, I must be flexible and do what I can. In a few months there will be a whole new bundle of reasons for me to not find the time, so for now I will just hang on to what we have.

Another important thing about capturing our life is to remember that I was there too. I’m hoping to make a few more appearances in front of the camera this year. And although I feel the opposite of photogenic these days, this is a really special time for Archer and I, and I know I will be so happy to look back on these. Even that little terrible-two’s grump face on the boy who just wants to press the button and look at the back of the camera (proof that he does not care about how I look in pictures, as long as they are of us).

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Fridays are our days home, usually just the 2 of us and I am trying to do new things with him as he is getting more independent. I love when he is eager to help me out in the kitchen (it’s a nice break from playing hockey), although I may have bribed him with blue food colouring and rainbow sprinkle cupcakes.

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… you’ve got some icing there

Week 4-13

… oh and there

Week 4-7… “you want some Mummy?”

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and of course the washing up is just as much fun as the baking…

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but not quite as fun as eating the finished product 😉

Weekends are also for visiting friends. Archer had been asking for play dates with his girlfriends Mila & Alycia for a few weeks, so we made a pizza and cupcake date, as well as enjoying some fun with Stewie, and Colton. I think Stew was enjoying the role-reversal.

Week 4-14

And finally, Stompin’ Tom Connors on repeat in our house. I am quite ashamed to say that at two he already knows how to operate YouTube #parentingfail. Today we only watched it 22 times… how I wish that were a lie.

Week 4-9

Cheers to bribing our children to make memories and flooding their brains with Canadian hockey propaganda!



Week 4 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO