Maternity Self Portraits | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Maternity Photography

That boy has rocked my world in the best way possible. My goodness he is difficult at times, but he is mine and I love him something fierce. As I sit here and type this he is currently jumping in his bed singing “hello out there, we’re on the air! It’s hockey night tonight!” in an effort to avoid sleep for as long as possible (it is 10pm), and all I can do is laugh at the hilarity of life with a toddler. In true Mommy fashion, I can only think of how perfect he is. I cannot wait to see him as a big brother to baby “Boulder” (his name of choice, likely not going on the birth certificate).

Last Friday was my first official day of Maternity Leave, so Archer and I celebrated with a jammie day and some pictures. I thought I would do so much more documenting of this pregnancy, but as it turns out pregnancy with a toddler is no joke. So in a last ditch effort to have some pictures of Archer and the boulder bump, I set up my tripod and we had a mini maternity-self portrait-lifestyle session.

And in the spirit of keeping it real, he peed on my bed in the middle of it (hence the 2 different pairs of undies).



  1. […] It was a busy one, and I apparently took a bit of a camera break. Because I already shared my maternity self portraits, there are very few to share for this week, but these muddy puddles are too good not to share. The […]

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO