A Day In The Life | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

A Day In The Life is something I have wanted to do with Archer for a long time. There are so many things about him right now that I want to remember, and since our world is about to be rocked (in the best way!) by his first sibling, I thought this would be a good time to do it. These images are by no means award-winning, nor are they a reflection of my most creative work, but they are us, and they are perfect. I have also been playing lately with some filmy edits, which I am not sold on, but I think they bring a nice little touch to these snaps of our daily life. Plus, I live life on the edge.

Also, this post is picture heavy, so please be patient while it loads, it may be slow!

Enough rambling.


February 29, 2016.

It is not often that I am awake before Archer on a day we are spending at home. I really enjoy when he comes into our bed in the mornings to wake me up, but by 8:15 I couldn’t sleep any longer and my body was begging to be moved. A nice slow wake up in bed gave me the time to prepare for doing a Day In The Life project, which I thought would be special since it was February 29th, a bonus day, which by chance I had off work and could be at home.

8:46am: Mornin’.


9:09am: Patiently waiting for that little bum to stir.

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9:23am: Oh hello.

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9:27am: Decisions, decisions.

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9:31am: Does anyone else feel like this face perfectly describes their morning?


9:41am: Some toons to get us moving (and a bribe to eat breakfast).


A little heart in my cereal <3

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Coffe + lemon water is morning perfection.


10:45am: Someone got a little muddy outside.


10:50am: Responsibility.

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11:10am: Dressed and ready to go.


11:37am: Who knew the library was closed on Mondays?! So disappointed.

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11:55am: Home to some fun mail.

DITLFilm-22 DITLFilm-23 DITLFilm-2412:09pm: “I want to paint”

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12:32pm: After approximately 3.5 minutes of painting, we are ready to have a bath.

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1:21pm: Peeking undies at lunch.

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1:29: A quick game of hockey.

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1:38pm: It was a really quick game. On to trains.

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1:46pm: Time for a nap!

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2:11pm: Someone has trouble staying in bed…


4:06pm: Time to get everyone moving again



4:29pm: A snack that will almost definitely ruin your dinner.


5:21pm: Giving me a hand in the kitchen. And just like his mama, starting dinner prep with some tunes.

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5:42pm: Some hockey while we wait.


6:00pm: Daddy’s home!


7:27pm: Slowing down and building with Dad before bed time.


8:17pm: No day would be complete without a meltdown (which is apparently very amusing for Dad!)

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8:35pm: Taking care of our teeth and getting in our jim-jams.

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10:41pm: Our turn to head to bed. Goodnight world.







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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO