Week 8 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

Our days as a family of 3 are quickly running out. Although we are all very excited for the new addition to our little nest, I am trying to soak up as much one-on-one time with Archer as I possibly can. I have been working less hours, a change that has come at a great time for me, both physically and emotionally. When I found out we were pregnant I immediately thought of all of all of the opportunities to get in front of the camera with Archer and my belly, but here we are only 8 weeks away and I have very few. These might not include my belly as the focus, but these moments with my little man are so important to me right now, infinitely more important than any belly shots. These are a much more fitting representation of our life right now: Archer having a few quiet moments before the dinner rush/witching hour and me, home from work for 10 minutes and already in my pyjamas.

Week 8-3Week 8-2Week 8-1

Saturday mornings are my absolute favourite moments of the week. There are no alarms to wake us up and we usually get a few minutes of cuddles and play time in bed before we make breakfast. On this particular Saturday, I was up at 7:30, waiting for Archer to make his entrance as he usually does. When 8:00 rolled around and he hadn’t woken up yet and I couldn’t get back to sleep (thanks motherhood), I got up and grabbed my camera so I was ready when he finally did wake. At 9:00 I finally went into Archer’s room to make sure he was still alive and woke him up (at this point I was extremely bored and had already scanned every form of social media on my phone an unhealthy amount).


Week 8-5


Week 8-9Week 8-8Week 8-7Week 8-6

Stair races to the potty.

Week 8-10

Archer is always eager to help Daddy with whatever project he has going on (he’s a “really useful engine”). He did have some trouble understanding why Eric’s shirt had no sleeves, and has since been asking about the mysterious Sleeve Monster…

Week 8-12

And no weekend would be complete without a skate, this time with our BFF Zach. It was Archer’s first day of skating on his own, and he went the length of the ice without anyones help. I only took, like, 12 videos and 30 pictures….

Week 8-13


Week 8-14

And because everyone worked really hard and tried their best skating, we finished the afternoon with some donuts.

Week 8-17Week 8-15Week 8-16

Thanks for stopping by!


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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO