Week 9 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

Anybody else’s toddler know how to give wicked stink eye? I thought I could get some cute pictures of him playing hide-and-seek, but no.

“No, you put that camera down Mummy” were his exact words. Photographers Child Syndrome is a real thing, I know, but I didn’t think this battle would start so soon.

Week 9-1

But I can be sneaky…

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Hopefully this was the last of the snow for the year! Archer loves to shovel snow, and he had some fun helping Nanny and Dad. I will put these pictures aside for when he is 16 and complaining about shovelling the sidewalks.

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A night on the town for us and a sleep over and Grandma + Papa’s for the little dude. Although I couldn’t partake in any of the shenanigans I had some fun of my own at the concert. The Trews put on an awesome acoustic show!

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And finally, another weekend finished with a nap on the couch while we cleaned up and got ourselves packed for Denver. Lucky little dude gets to sleep through the Sunday chaos. Relaxing Sundays do not exist in our world!

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Thanks for stopping by. During this week I also completed a Day In The Life while home with Archer for a day, so stay tuned for that post!



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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO