
Week 15 ended up being our last week as a family of 3. Archer and I had a great week together at home. The weather was beautiful and he helped me finish up all of the work we had to do before his baby brother arrived. Although this was a mere two weeks ago, it seems like a lifetime. Everyone says once your second is born, it doesn’t take long for you to feel like they have been here forever, and they are so right.

Even though I can’t imagine life without the new little man, I am so glad I documented this week with Archer. He really is an awesome kid, and he is already shaping up to be a great big brother. I hope you all enjoy this last week of pure Archer spam, because week 16 has a fresh face for you.


I took Archer with me for our last big shop at the grocery store to make sure we had all the essentials stocked for a while, and he was a perfect little helper and stayed in the cart the whole time (unheard of), but as we were checking out I let him down to walk out with me and he fell and got a bloody nose. The poor guy was behaving so well and then that happened! The clerk was so nice to help us out and give him some stickers (and paper towel), and all was well once we got a sprinkle donut.

Week 15-1

Archer doesn’t feel the need to nap anymore, so he has started passing out everywhere and I freaking love it! It is so funny to see him sleeping in the most awkward places. I left the room to grab my water and came back to this scene…

Week 15-2Week 15-3Week 15-4

The rest of our week was filled with:

Making salt dough dinosaurs…

Week 15-5Week 15-6

Playing hockey (what else is new?)…

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Playing outside with Wilfrid

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Week 15-17

Getting dirty (and pooping his pants) at the park… The one time I don’t bring his bag, of course. A few trips down the slide and a few swings before I realized made for a niiiiiiice mess to clean up.

Week 15-19

Again, passing out anywhere.

Week 15-20

Some park time and ice cream with friends

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Checking out all the signs of Spring in the yard

Week 15-26

Busting out the “ear muffins”

Week 15-27

And of course, playing at Grandma and Papa’s on Sunday afternoon.

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In other news, my niece is the most gorgeous little girl I have ever encountered, and this floppy hat + sunglasses + sundress ensemble made me sort of hope the baby came out a girl. I mean, look at this girl! Thankfully my brother and sister-in-law are happy to be overloaded with pictures of her. As for the other boys… Who? What?

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Maybe #3 will be a girl? Kidding, I think.

Happy Monday!


Week 15 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

Our first week of my parental leave was both amazing and eye-opening. Being home with a busy toddler who is out of his routine is hard, especially at 36 weeks pregnant. We had so much fun for the week, just the two of us, but we had our fair share of melt downs too (both of us). I had a few panicked moments of “how am I going to do this with a newborn baby?”, and a few sappy moments of “am I going to be able to spend this quality time with him with a newborn?”. I know we will adjust and adapt, I’m sure with a few more meltdowns (from both of us), but I am trying my best to practice grace, and not worry so much about perfection.

We hit up the Children’s Museum in London, spent a few days at home in our jim-jams, did some crafts and baking, played with friends at the park, educated ourselves on dinosaurs at the library, and Archer had his very first dentist appointment. Archer was also beyond excited when Daddy came home with his new truck, and he has been telling everyone – “My daddy got a new truck. It’s white. It’s a diesel”. So, if you’re looking for specs, he’s your guy.

Week 14-1Week 14-2

London Children’s Museum – highly recommend it!

Week 14-3Week 14-4Week 14-6Week 14-7

Jim-jam day.

Week 14-9Week 14-11Week 14-12

Archer’s first dentist appointment – he did great!

Week 14-13

These trouble makers. Archer and Zach have their own file of images on my computer, with which I am planning a few things for when they are teenagers.

Week 14-14Week 14-15

Another jim-jam day at home.

Week 14-17

We hope you’re having a great week! And I hope by the time this goes live, I have another little boy in my arms.



Week 14 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

Week 13 marked my last day of work and my first day of parental leave. It was a busy one, and I apparently took a bit of a camera break. Because I already shared my maternity self portraits, there are very few to share for this week, but these muddy puddles are too good not to share. The Easter Bunny brought the perfect gear for jumping in muddy puddles (a gift that may have been just as much for me as it was for Archer? Thanks EB!). I was working at my computer one evening and glanced out the window at these two playing outside, and couldn’t help myself. I mean, how am I supposed to be productive with these BFFs just hanging out without me?

Week 13-15Week 13-16

Week 13-1Week 13-2Week 13-3

Slow Sundays at home just to mix things up.

Week 13-13Week 13-14

Thanks for stopping by!



Week 13 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

With the birth of our child impending (any minute now would be nice), I have decided to do a few weeks worth of posts with little explanation, which I am sure you are all so upset about. Hopefully this way I can stay on top of posting and not get too far behind once he does decide to arrive!

Week 12 was overloaded with Easter activities (read: SO. MUCH. CHOCOLATE.) and family fun. Check it out below!

Laundry helper.Week 12-1Week 12-2Week 12-3

Big brother helper.

Week 12-4Week 12-5

Dinner helper.

Week 12-6Week 12-7Week 12-9Week 12-8

Breakfast helper.

Week 12-10Week 12-11

Easter fun.

Week 12-13Week 12-15

Egg decorators.

Week 12-17Week 12-18Week 12-19Week 12-20

Week 12-21Week 12-22Week 12-23Week 12-24

Expert egg hunter.

Week 12-25Week 12-26Week 12-27

Week 12-29Week 12-30Week 12-32Week 12-34

Sunday funday.

Week 12-38Week 12-39Week 12-40Week 12-42Week 12-44Week 12-45

Send all the baby dust my way, please.




Week 12 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

That boy has rocked my world in the best way possible. My goodness he is difficult at times, but he is mine and I love him something fierce. As I sit here and type this he is currently jumping in his bed singing “hello out there, we’re on the air! It’s hockey night tonight!” in an effort to avoid sleep for as long as possible (it is 10pm), and all I can do is laugh at the hilarity of life with a toddler. In true Mommy fashion, I can only think of how perfect he is. I cannot wait to see him as a big brother to baby “Boulder” (his name of choice, likely not going on the birth certificate).

Last Friday was my first official day of Maternity Leave, so Archer and I celebrated with a jammie day and some pictures. I thought I would do so much more documenting of this pregnancy, but as it turns out pregnancy with a toddler is no joke. So in a last ditch effort to have some pictures of Archer and the boulder bump, I set up my tripod and we had a mini maternity-self portrait-lifestyle session.

And in the spirit of keeping it real, he peed on my bed in the middle of it (hence the 2 different pairs of undies).



Maternity Self Portraits | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Maternity Photography

Archer plays with Play Doh at daycare all the time but I have been hesitant to bring it out at home. I have issues with messes sometimes, and when colours get combined and squished together a little piece of me dies inside. But, gotta live life on the edge sometimes. It has become an afternoon favourite while I prep dinner, sometimes I participate. As you can see, my snake-making skills are still intact.


See ya Play Doh, Dad’s home.


Just before Easter we had a little rain and all Archer wanted to do was jump in muddy puddles. Of course we did not have proper muddy puddle attire ready, so we put in a request to the Easter Bunny for some rain gear. With or without proper waterproof footwear, Archer was jumping in those muddy puddles, and even though there was only one jumpable muddy puddle in the drive way, he jumped it dry.


Truck shopping with Dad, of course Archer had to test drive each car in the show room. Multiple times. Although in his defence, this truck shopping thing was quite the process and he was probably bored of talking about it (oh, maybe that was me…)


Archer is quickly growing out of his naps… He has gone from needing a 2 hour afternoon nap or he might kill somebody, to not going to bed until 10pm if he sleeps a blink. Great timing, right? Don’t worry pal, we aren’t about to have another baby or anything…. When I do have to wake him up from a nap he usually goes from happy to grumpy in about 30 seconds and then tries to avoid all contact. These will likely be our last set of nap time pictures, aside from the couch cat-naps. Stop growing up please.


and this is where things take a turn…


And FINALLY, after years of living on both ends of the country, my big brother and his beautiful family made their way home. Our first Sunday dinner with all 4 of us siblings and our kids was perfect. And since I am about to add another boy to this growing family, be prepared to see lots of pictures of Neely, because little girls are awesome, especially this one. See ya around, boys.


Hope you’re having a great week!



Week 11 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

When Eric originally brought up the idea of taking in a conference in Denver, my immediate thought was “skiing! mountains! beer! hiking! oh the pictures I can take!”. And then we got pregnant (obviously a good thing), and my tag-along trip to Denver looked more like “relaxing in the hotel room! shopping! eating! relaxing in the hotel room!”.

I thought I might take a stab at some street photography, but as it turns out I have no desire to approach strangers on the street and take their pictures, nor do I have an eye for urban landscapes (can’t win them all!). But I did bust out my big girl camera on Day 3 and take some obligatory travel photos of the sights. Denver is a really cool city, very trendy, rustic urban, with an adventurous feel. I explored it on my own (between snacks and naps, of course) while Eric was in his conference, although we did get one afternoon together to explore a bit.


Larimer Square and LoDo





The Tattered Cover  – one of the oldest privately owned book stores left



Union Station  and The Crawford Hotel


The Source


The State Capitol


And a ridiculously huge breakfast at Sam’s No.3 Diner


A couple of bonus iPhone shots

Processed with VSCOcam with a9 preset

A HUGE bonus of this trip was getting to meet up with 2 of my friends who live in the area. I met Jennifer (Website | Facebook) and Melissa (Facebook) through a Facebook group last year as we all encouraged each other through our 365’s. This group has become a bit of a second home; a group of friends who I have never met in person, yet talk to daily. Our group started as a photography challenge and evolved into some amazing friendships, a place to share our personal lives without judgement, and participate in some daily hilarity, all while encouraging each other on our own photography journeys. I am so lucky to have been able to spend a few hours with these two women in person, and it was amazing to see how easily we could talk and interact without actually having met before! Of course, we spent our time testing out and talking gear, taking head shots, and documenting our time together (thanks to a few friendly strangers). Both of these women are extremely talented photographers, check out some of their work – it is seriously awesome. The internet is a pretty amazing thing.



(Photos courtesy of Melissa Walkup)

In true mother’s fashion, by Day 4 I was so ready to get home to see Archer. We flew home on a Friday, and arrived just in time to pick him up and bring him home for bed time. He was so excited to see us! I don’t think I will ever forget that. I had an irrational fear of him either not missing me at all, or forgetting about me completely, but apparently we have made more of an impression on him than I thought because he was just as happy to see us as we were to see him. We spent the rest of the weekend hanging out, skating, and catching up on some much-needed play time.


Reunited and it feels so good.




The reward


And although my human tripod needs a few more pointers, I am so glad he picked up my camera for this; playing trains on Mummy’s belly (oh my heart!).


Thanks for stopping in.




Week 10 + Denver | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

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