Chatham-Kent Family Photography

Mother’s Day | Chatham-Kent Family Photography

In my short time as a family photographer in Chatham-Kent, the thing that has inspired me most are images of mothers with their children. These relationships are my favourite thing to capture for many reasons. For one, it is so easy. Every woman can’t help but smile when they look at their babies. Every woman looks beautiful when they are holding their children – no matter clothing, weight, hair or location, you are glowing. Becoming a mom was the greatest thing to ever happen to me, and seeing that look of love on another woman’s face reminds me of how lucky I am to be on this journey. I look forward to every Family Photography session for this reason (I have even introduced Mommy & Me sessions to my lineup in order to photograph more moms with their kids!).

Chatham-Kent Family PhotographyChatham-Kent Family PhotographyChatham-Kent Family Photography

As mothers, our first priority is always our babies: their livelihood, their safety, their happiness. We spend our days making sure they are cared for and loved, making sure their life is comfortable, safe and fun. They need us to survive and thrive.

Chatham-Kent Family PhotographyChatham-Kent Family PhotographyChatham-Kent Family PhotographyChatham-Kent Family PhotographyChatham-Kent Family Photography

What we don’t often talk about is how much we need them. The moment they are thrust into our arms they become a permanent fixture, and if ever removed, we are left feeling empty and lost. Their needs become our needs, and our day-to-day care taking isn’t just for the benefit of our kids, it fuels our hearts.

Chatham-Kent Family PhotographyChatham-Kent Family PhotographyChatham-Kent Family Photography

When they laugh, it brings us genuine joy. When they cry, our heart aches. They instantly become a part of us that we cannot survive without, let alone thrive.

Chatham-Kent Family PhotographyChatham-Kent Family PhotographyChatham-Kent Family PhotographyChatham-Kent Family Photography

I think sometimes people see these images and they see how cute the kids are, how their faces are lit up with smiles and their cute chubby cheeks. But what I see is a reflection of the drive I feel within me, the need to be with my kids, the need to hold them and support them. I see the look of love in the mothers eyes, I can feel the comfort in their embrace, and I can’t help but smile when I see their smiles, because I know there is no better place on Earth than wherever your children are.

This Mother’s Day I am celebrating these beautiful moms, and millions of others. Happy Mother’s Day.

xo, B.

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