
Well, we made the epic leap as parents and sacrificed our backyard for the children’s play set. Although it was very little work for me, Eric (and Pepe) put in a few more man hours than the instructions hinted at, and its construction ended up costing us two whole weekends (and a considerable amount of $$). Go play Archer, and please enjoy it for a few years.

While demolishing yet another section of landscaping at our house I dug up a tiny little maple sapling and had Archer help me transplant it. He has been watering it regularly ever since.


We spent the holiday Monday with Nanny after working outside all day. We made yet another trip to the greenhouse, where Archer took approximately 2 minutes to throw a tantrum and get dirt and blood all over his white shirt (parenting fail all around). Don’t worry, it was just a little cut on his finger after an encounter with a thorn bush after repeated warnings of touching plants… Sandwiches and cookies at Nanny’s made everything better.



Archer takes “helpful big brother” to a whole new level with his “checking on Gryffin” (read: screaming in his face and poking his head). Although it sends my stress levels through the roof, he truly does mean well, and he loves talking to his baby brother.


What’s that? You’re sick of greenhouse pictures? Well I am terribly sorry. I can’t help myself with all of the colours and the perfect light and the leading lines.


baby quails!


And another weekend full of play time with cousins, and a lovely Sunday morning at the park just the 4 of us. If you are following my 100 Days of Summer on Instagram you will have seen some of these because Sunday May 29 marked Day 1. Follow along using the hashtag #one2summer to see some seriously talented friends of mine completing the same project!




Happy Monday everyone!

xo, B.



Chatham Family Photographer | Week 21 | Project 52

Life with these boys is going to be an adventure. Archer is at an age where he remembers everything and is literally absorbing his environment. I am trying my best, with Gryffin in tow, to keep him occupied and learning every day whether it be at home our out. When Archer was a baby I walked with him everyday, but once he started to walk and run, he didn’t want to be confined to the stroller any more. Now with Gryffin (and my post partum bod) I am trying to get out walking more. We love this little trail through Dresden where Archer can run free for a few minutes, and I can still walk with Gryffin in the stroller or carrier (maybe even throw in a few lunges or squats… maybe not though).

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This trail also offers me a creative outlet. I have recently joined a few new photography circles that are inspiring me to play with light differently. When we walked into the trail and I saw all of the dappled light, I was so glad I brought my camera along.

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These creative challenges also have me seeing our house a little differently. I love finding new ways to play in the same environment. This is a little moodier than I usually shoot, but when we noticed the orange lights on our way up the stairs, it was worth delaying bed time for.

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And just to finish the week off, a nice moment with all of the VanRuymbeke boys.

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I hope you’re having a great week!

xo, B.

Chatham-Kent Family Photographer | Week 20 | Project 52

Finally some beautiful weather, am I right?! I have been itching to get out into the garden and in the yard every day, and we are taking lots of walks and trips to the park. A little Vitamin D does the body good! I am looking forward to a summer full of sunshine, picnics and margaritas (that last one is just for me).

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2 year olds attempting organized sports might be the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen. Archer’s one hour practice each week is made up of approximately 10 minutes of crying, 15 minutes of laying on the floor, 5 minutes of running, 10 minutes of potty and drink breaks, 5 minutes of poking the boards with his stick and maybe 10 minutes of actual lacrosse related activities. Part of the hilarity is hearing all of the dads in the crowd get worked up because their toddler isn’t listening, like they are doing it to purposely embarrass their fathers. But, in the time that he does pay attention and  try to do the drills he does so good! His attention span is improving as he is getting to know the coaches, and he really does enjoy it. I’m one proud mama. Geez, if I can talk this much about his sports now, I feel bad for those who have to listen to me when he is older…

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Some days after daycare Archer is so tired out from all the fun that he can be such a grump all evening. But other times he comes home on a daycare high and our evenings are so much fun. Snacks and chats on the deck in the sunshine, snuggle time with little bro, and grass cutting with dad – all with a happy face.

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And our typical weekend uniform these days includes all day jim jams, lots of coffee, and couch snuggles surrounded by our little messes.

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All the heart eyes for my boys.

xo. B

Chatham Lifestyle Photographer | Week 19 | Project 52

Now, I’m giving you fair warning. We spend a lot of time at the park, so in the coming months, expect a lot of this… I bring my camera with me everywhere, and even though we visit this exact location multiple times in a week, that doesn’t mean it isn’t full of new opportunities (or some other creative bull – this is my excuse). Anyway, the park is an easy place for us to chill, with Gryffin sleeping in his seat or in the sling, Archer is free to roam and play. Often times there are other kids there, so I get a bonus few minutes to relax and watch him socialize (which by the way, he loves to do. He can talk to anyone, anywhere. He is his father’s son).

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As much as I am trying to get out of the house with both boys, sometimes we get cabin fever and spend the entire day at home. Home is also full of creative opportunities, but sometimes my subject is less willing to participate when he is cornered. I give you Photographer’s Kid Syndrome:

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I used to make fun of people who dressed their kids in matching outfits. And now, I am obsessed. And I have no shame. I have been a little disappointed with the lack of outfits that range from newborn to 3T however, and these jams were one of the only options. But, they did the trick for a Saturday morning snuggle session.

Yes, I did plan their outfits before they went to bed with this in mind. Judge all you want –  again, I have no shame.

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I cannot get over how BIG Archer is since having Gryffin. I feel like he grew up instantly. His hands are like catcher’s mitts and his head is the size of Gryffin’s entire body when he is all snuggled up.

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I am hoping that is chocolate on his hand…

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(Archer: “we’re done here.”)

Chatham-Kent Family Photographer

And whenever it rains, even just a little, we have to go looking for muddy puddles. Never getting over this rain jacket.

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Greenhouses might be one of my favourite places in the spring. I can’t wait to get out into the garden and start planting. With the weather so up-and-down lately we haven’t done much, but we took a walk through All Seasons to get out of the house and I could have stayed all day. But, in true toddler fashion, Archer was running around, pulling petals off of flowers and knocking over hanging baskets. So I don’t think we would have been welcome all day. 15 minutes was probably enough.

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On a side note, anyone want to do a family photography session at a greenhouse? I would be in heaven!

Chatham-Kent Family Photographer

And finishing the week off was Mother’s Day. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, these boys are everything to me. They have taught me more about myself than anything else, and they make me want to be better every day. Between all of the crazy and rough moments are a million amazing ones, and I don’t ever want to get off of this roller coaster ride.

Chatham-Kent Family Photographer

I have an amazing role model in my mother and I am so happy my boys get to spend as much time with her as they do.

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Reese’s brownies made by my boys and tulips picked from the garden were the perfect end to my Mother’s Day.

xo, B.

Chatham-Kent Family Photographer | Week 18 | Project 52

Well, here we are somewhat settled into our new normal with Gryffin. Our first full week at home with him was full to the brim – not with activities, but with so much love. We had lots of visitors bringing food and gifts, plenty of calls and messages from friends, lots of snuggles with the little dude, and lots of play time with the big dude.

Chatham Ontario Lifestyle PhotographerChatham Ontario Lifestyle Photographer

My first day home just Gryffin and I was a breeze. He really is such an easy baby, and so snuggly. While big brother was at daycare for the day I took advantage of the quiet for some newborn pictures of Gryff in our favourite spot (also Archer’s favourite spot to jump).

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For those of you who have been asking, Archer is adjusting really well. He is so proud to be a big brother, always wanting to hold and touch Gryffin. He has had a few moments of, shall we call it, buyers remorse? But rightfully so. His world has been affected more so than anyone else, and overall he is doing great.

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Archer started lacrosse and maybe it was the hormones, but I was so proud watching him out here. He did so great! He is one of the youngest, but he listened better than we expected and lasted the whole hour for his first week. He has since learned some new skills and he loves practicing at home with Dad. Eric and I were both in awe of how great he did, and I was totally that mom in the corner with my huge lens and no shame.


Entertainer of the Year award goes to Zach, obviously.



To no ones surprise, I got in a few shots with Gryffin while he is still so tiny. We opted to not get newborn pictures taken this time, so I wanted to make sure I got plenty of him before he started to chunk up and lose his newness.

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Since bringing home Gryffin, the one thing Archer has had trouble sharing is blankets. We have a ton of these muslin blankets and Archer has always slept with them, but once he saw Gryffin using one too we had to do some damage control. In the thick of this Archer has started chewing on them, I guess as a way to mark his territory? Whatever the reason, it makes him seem so small and I secretly love it.


Happy Wednesday folks!



Chatham Ontario Lifestyle Photographer | Week 17 | Project 52

In my short time as a family photographer in Chatham-Kent, the thing that has inspired me most are images of mothers with their children. These relationships are my favourite thing to capture for many reasons. For one, it is so easy. Every woman can’t help but smile when they look at their babies. Every woman looks beautiful when they are holding their children – no matter clothing, weight, hair or location, you are glowing. Becoming a mom was the greatest thing to ever happen to me, and seeing that look of love on another woman’s face reminds me of how lucky I am to be on this journey. I look forward to every Family Photography session for this reason (I have even introduced Mommy & Me sessions to my lineup in order to photograph more moms with their kids!).

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As mothers, our first priority is always our babies: their livelihood, their safety, their happiness. We spend our days making sure they are cared for and loved, making sure their life is comfortable, safe and fun. They need us to survive and thrive.

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What we don’t often talk about is how much we need them. The moment they are thrust into our arms they become a permanent fixture, and if ever removed, we are left feeling empty and lost. Their needs become our needs, and our day-to-day care taking isn’t just for the benefit of our kids, it fuels our hearts.

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When they laugh, it brings us genuine joy. When they cry, our heart aches. They instantly become a part of us that we cannot survive without, let alone thrive.

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I think sometimes people see these images and they see how cute the kids are, how their faces are lit up with smiles and their cute chubby cheeks. But what I see is a reflection of the drive I feel within me, the need to be with my kids, the need to hold them and support them. I see the look of love in the mothers eyes, I can feel the comfort in their embrace, and I can’t help but smile when I see their smiles, because I know there is no better place on Earth than wherever your children are.

This Mother’s Day I am celebrating these beautiful moms, and millions of others. Happy Mother’s Day.

xo, B.

Mother’s Day | Chatham-Kent Family Photography

Watching the little moments of Archer’s childhood unfold has really solidified my dreams of moving into lifestyle family photography. They are such meaningful, natural moments of learning and exploration, and unlike a traditional portrait, they tell a story of that moment, and of this season of our life. Although my mom took most of the images of us in the hospital, I love Fresh 48 Lifestyle sessions and I am so happy that we have those first few hours with Gryffin captured. So if you’re looking for some candid lifestyle family or Fresh 48 photography in Chatham-Kent, please let me know! I am so excited to move in this direction with my business.


Our last evening of a family of 3 was spent out in the sunshine. Eric and Archer went looking for turkeys and assembled our new patio furniture. It was very relaxed and laid back, unlike the evening that would follow…

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(Looks like I need to clean my lens!)


My water broke around 1pm on April 21, and because Archer’s birth was fairly quick, we were prepared to head to the hospital as soon as things started progressing. Eric was home from work and the car was packed within an hour, but nothing was happening. Of course, being as prepared as we were, it took 12 hours for my contractions to kick in, but when they did they did not hold back. After a looooong evening of waiting, walking, Mexican food and pumping, we finally decided to turn in and get some sleep while we could. Our midwife came out for a visit and said things were progressing even though I wasn’t feeling much, so when my contractions did pick up it likely wouldn’t take long.

My first contraction woke me up around 12:45 am on April 22, and Gryffin Thomas arrived at 1:49am – a mere 15 minutes after we arrived at the hospital. My mom didn’t even make it in time! He was 7lbs, 11oz and 19 inches long (a shorty!), and 100% perfection. Like I said, things with Archer we quite fast, but I was not expecting him to come as quickly as he did. It is amazing how your body responds the second time around and just knows what to do and how to do it.

Coincidentally, I had ordered a new camera the week before and it was delivered that afternoon while we were home waiting for my labour to start. I had a few hours to play with it, and then handed it over to my mom following Gryffin’s birth to snap some shots of us. We took a lot of pictures when Archer was born but only on cell phones, so these are really special for me.Chatham-Kent Fresh 48 & Lifestyle PhotographyChatham-Kent Fresh 48 & Lifestyle Photography

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A huge, HUGE, thank you to this amazing woman! We were so lucky to have Simone deliver both of the boys. She has been nothing but supportive throughout both pregnancies, and of course the births. The whole team at the Midwifes of Chatham-Kent is beyond amazing – I cannot recommend them enough.

Chatham-Kent Fresh 48 & Lifestyle PhotographyChatham-Kent Fresh 48 & Lifestyle Photography

Chatham-Kent Fresh 48 & Lifestyle PhotographyChatham-Kent Fresh 48 & Lifestyle PhotographyChatham-Kent Fresh 48 & Lifestyle PhotographyChatham-Kent Fresh 48 & Lifestyle Photography

After a few hours of sleep, Eric came back to the hospital with Archer and we were able to have the room to ourselves for our first moments as a family of four. Archer was so excited to meet Gryffin, although a bit more excited to receive his big brother gift (which he found in my closet two weeks before): some new trains, crafts, stickers and candy, of course. He did great meeting Gryffin, and although we are working on being gentle, he is adjusting really well.

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One of the perks of having a midwife is being able to go home 4 hours after your birth, so we were home  just after lunch that day, eager to settle into our new normal.

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And of course, the following days included a lot of this: 3 sleepy boys.

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Thank you everyone for the well wishes and the congratulations. We are so blessed, and I already can’t imagine life without Gryffin.

xo, B.

Chatham-Kent Fresh 48 & Lifestyle Photography | Week 16 + Gryffin’s Birth | Project 52

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO