Ontario Lifestyle Photography

Two x Fifty-two Project | Light | Ontario Lifestyle Photography

Well I have another fun series starting for you all this week. Through the photography community I have met a ton of amazing people, many of which inspire me and are constantly pushing me creatively. For the next year I have teamed up with the talented Ali over at Smith & Archer Photography (How’s that for a coincidence?!) for a 2×52 project. Each week we have a theme and we both blog our images, and at the end of each month we will choose a favourite from each others set and hop in a blog circle with a few other pairs doing the same project. The best part about this is that we are spread out all over the world! Ali lives in Melbourne, Austraila, and works as a science teacher and photographer. She also has 2 kids, so I am excited to see some parallels in our lives even though we are on opposite ends of the Earth.

Our Week 1 theme is LIGHT, and I have to admit I struggled. It was such a broad theme that I couldn’t decide how I wanted do it. Finally on the last day of the week I spotted a few baby dinosaurs sitting in this perfect pocket of light on our dining room chairs.

Click over to Ali’s post to see how she interpreted this weeks theme.

Ontario Lifestyle Photography

  1. Mom says:

    Cannot find a link to Ali’s blog. Also I can see that my $4 Dino investment a paid off. Love the pic.

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO