Chatham Family Photographer | Week 21 | Project 52

Well, we made the epic leap as parents and sacrificed our backyard for the children’s play set. Although it was very little work for me, Eric (and Pepe) put in a few more man hours than the instructions hinted at, and its construction ended up costing us two whole weekends (and a considerable amount of $$). Go play Archer, and please enjoy it for a few years.

While demolishing yet another section of landscaping at our house I dug up a tiny little maple sapling and had Archer help me transplant it. He has been watering it regularly ever since.


We spent the holiday Monday with Nanny after working outside all day. We made yet another trip to the greenhouse, where Archer took approximately 2 minutes to throw a tantrum and get dirt and blood all over his white shirt (parenting fail all around). Don’t worry, it was just a little cut on his finger after an encounter with a thorn bush after repeated warnings of touching plants… Sandwiches and cookies at Nanny’s made everything better.



Archer takes “helpful big brother” to a whole new level with his “checking on Gryffin” (read: screaming in his face and poking his head). Although it sends my stress levels through the roof, he truly does mean well, and he loves talking to his baby brother.


What’s that? You’re sick of greenhouse pictures? Well I am terribly sorry. I can’t help myself with all of the colours and the perfect light and the leading lines.


baby quails!


And another weekend full of play time with cousins, and a lovely Sunday morning at the park just the 4 of us. If you are following my 100 Days of Summer on Instagram you will have seen some of these because Sunday May 29 marked Day 1. Follow along using the hashtag #one2summer to see some seriously talented friends of mine completing the same project!




Happy Monday everyone!

xo, B.



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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO