Chatham Lifestyle Photographer

Chatham Lifestyle Photographer | Week 19 | Project 52

Finally some beautiful weather, am I right?! I have been itching to get out into the garden and in the yard every day, and we are taking lots of walks and trips to the park. A little Vitamin D does the body good! I am looking forward to a summer full of sunshine, picnics and margaritas (that last one is just for me).

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2 year olds attempting organized sports might be the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen. Archer’s one hour practice each week is made up of approximately 10 minutes of crying, 15 minutes of laying on the floor, 5 minutes of running, 10 minutes of potty and drink breaks, 5 minutes of poking the boards with his stick and maybe 10 minutes of actual lacrosse related activities. Part of the hilarity is hearing all of the dads in the crowd get worked up because their toddler isn’t listening, like they are doing it to purposely embarrass their fathers. But, in the time that he does pay attention and  try to do the drills he does so good! His attention span is improving as he is getting to know the coaches, and he really does enjoy it. I’m one proud mama. Geez, if I can talk this much about his sports now, I feel bad for those who have to listen to me when he is older…

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Some days after daycare Archer is so tired out from all the fun that he can be such a grump all evening. But other times he comes home on a daycare high and our evenings are so much fun. Snacks and chats on the deck in the sunshine, snuggle time with little bro, and grass cutting with dad – all with a happy face.

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And our typical weekend uniform these days includes all day jim jams, lots of coffee, and couch snuggles surrounded by our little messes.

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All the heart eyes for my boys.

xo. B

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO