
There are some special guests here in Week 29. Some of the usual suspects in our summer adventures: Stewart, Nolan, Knox and Gemma. A play date at the park with the next generation boys club made for a fun day (I think we need to come up with an actual name for these boys!), and Archer was beyond happy to see “his girlfriend Gemma” there too (his words, not mine!)

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Gryffin, being the champ that he is, slept through the entire play date. So instead of pictures at the park, here are a few from an afternoon at home just the two of us:

Chatham-Kent PhotographerChatham-Kent PhotographerChatham-Kent Photographer

The other exciting event we had was A Day Out With Thomas. Quite possibly the most overpriced family event ever, but Archer had fun and that is all that matters. Whoever owns the rights to Thomas is basically printing money, am I right? These pictures made the rounds already on my Facebook and Instagram a few weeks back, so I will spare you any more details.

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I hope you’re having a great week!


Week 29 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Photographer

A few months back I started a new adventure taking a course on shooting family films. Through this process I learned so much about my camera and even though I have just scraped the surface of the video world, I am hooked. I never thought I would find something that feeds my creative soul more than photography, but I was wrong. Having these little films will be so special in 5, 10, 20 years when I can watch and see my boys again, hear their little voices, and the sound of their little feet on the floor. Photography is an amazing hobby of mine, and I have learned so much about myself through my camera, but this is something so much more. I can’t quite explain how different it feels for me, but I will say that this is the first time I have felt proud to share my work, because I know how much it truly reflects me and my creativity. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! I’ve only watched it about 200 times….






My Family Film | Chatham-Kent Family Photographer

This week’s theme for my 2×52 with Ali is DOUBLE EXPOSURE, which to anyone who doesn’t know a lot about photography, probably means nothing. So I will enlighten you! I am not going to even attempt to claim to know much about film photography, because I am purely digital, but this is the quick and dirty run down. Back in the days of film, you could take multiple images on one frame of film, a technique I am now in awe of having given it a try. With film, you have no indication of what your first image was, or how the composition was in order to get the best combination of images. Now in the digital age, doing a double exposure in camera is a lot easier. You take your first shot, and then your live view screen is nice enough to show you a translucent version of your image in order to compose a second image on top. Are you lost? I kind of am too. I am a little embarrassed that this took me two whole nap times to take these images, and I know they are so far off from being perfect. Want to see some awesome double exposures? Just google it. You will be blown away.

Anyway, here is my images from this week, plus a bonus because I suck a picking just one. Click here to check out Ali’s DOUBLE EXPOSURE!


Chatham Kent Storytelling Photography


Two x Fifty-two| Double Exposure | Chatham-Kent Storytelling Photography

One of the highlights of Week 28 was going to Storybook Gardens with Nicole, Noah and Meme and Pepe. The boys had a great time walking through the story book village, and I think Archer would have stayed in the Firehall for the entire day if we would have let him. He loved all of the costumes they had to play with, despite me cringing as thoughts of lice swam through my mind. He is really starting to use his imagination and it is so fun to watch.

We were so lucky to get two whole weeks with Noah + company this summer. It was great for Archer and Noah to get to know each other a bit better, so now when we FaceTime they might actually know what is going on.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum.






Ontario Lifestyle Photography

Ontario Lifestyle PhotographyOntario Lifestyle Photography


Ontario Lifestyle Photography | Week 28 | Project 52

It has been a crazy week over here! I am finishing up an amazing course on family films, doing lots of family sessions, plus it is wedding season, and I am loving every second of it. I am always so grateful for those who trust me with their stories.

Needless to say, I did not remember to take my image for this week until the last minute, so I am pulling one from the archives. This weeks theme is AFTER DARK, so I chose a classic Sleepy Archer. I can’t wait to start a sleeping series with Gryffin too!

Ontario storytelling photography

Don’t forget to click over to Ali’s post to see her AFTER DARK image.


Two x Fifty-two | After Dark | Ontario Storytelling Photography

I cannot say enough about this family. They have supported my photography from day one, trusting me with their family memories for a few years now, and I am honoured to watch them all grow together as a family. They recently moved into their forever home, which conveniently backs up to a park. Naturally, this is one of their favourite spots to hang out as a family, and Nolan was thrilled to have another play at the park before bed. Little Lucas is just a few months old, but already fits so naturally into their life. Being less than 2 years apart, these boys are going to be best friends growing up (and maybe a little bit of trouble too).

Thanks again to The Blair’s for having me – I can’t wait for our next session!

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Chatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family PhotographerChatham Family Photographer

Chatham Family Photographer | The Blair Family

Here we are at week 6 already! I am really enjoying this project so far. Ali and I were chatting last week about how we like that we are accountable to each other so we can’t quit! It forces me to get creative on days that I am really not feeling it. And although it has not yet brought out anything amazing on my part yet, I think it might. Either way, it is always fun to meet new people around the world!

This weeks theme was BACKLIGHT, which again, is very broad. But today we bought some new unders for Arch to try this potty training thing (again), and I saw them hanging on the line in the sunset, and I couldn’t resist. So, here it is!

Ontario Lifestyle Photographer

Kinda fun, colourful, and definitely an image that will make me laugh in 20 years.

Click here to see Ali’s rendition of BACKLIGHT.


Two x Fifty-two | Backlight | Ontario Lifestyle Photographer

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO