
February is always a rough month. The rush of the new year is over, the days are short, and the weather is cold. I am thankful everyday for the beauty I see through my camera, because without it I would not be the same person. Documenting our days is not always easy, and sometimes when I am lacking inspiration I get these thoughts in my head about it being insignificant, or that no one cares, or that they aren’t good enough. But I am so glad that I push through those days, because at the end of the week/month/year, I have something so special to look back on. So many memories documented, so many moments recorded: proof that it really does matter. How lucky am I to be the one who gets to see this every day? How lucky am I to be able to go back and re live it? How lucky am I to have tangible memories to share with my boys when they are older?

Next month I am launching my first introductory photography course for Moms, called Life At Home. It will focus on learning the basics of photography and documenting your everyday at home with your children. Be sure to join my Newsletter if you are interested in joining me!

Here is our February. It is not perfect. I felt like I was in a major slump for the month, but it still yielded some amazing memories for us to look back on. And that is all that matters. Whether anyone reads this or looks at the images is insignificant, but these moments together and memories made is what life is all about.

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My Spring calendar is filling up, so if you’re looking for a family photographer in Chatham-Kent, email me at to reserve your spot! Also, if you’re wondering whether my children ever get dressed, the answer is no. 😉

Xo, B.

February Favourites | Family Photographer Chatham-Kent

This family literally lit up my day when I met with them. They are obviously very close, extremely loving and supportive of each other, and they knew how to have a good time. Anyone who knows them would tell you the same thing. They set up this session as a gift for their mom, and as you can see she was absolutely glowing and so happy the entire time, being surrounded by her children and grandchildren. Everyone was genuinely happy to be spending the afternoon together, and although some of them were a little reluctant to get their pictures taken (cough – Dave – cough), it was obvious how much fun they all have together. And coming from a blended family myself, they hold a special place in my heart. There is nothing I love more than seeing families come together and welcome everyone in with open arms.

Thank you to the DeBakker Family for having me – you really made my job an easy one! I hope you are all still loving the images from your fall session.

Ontario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerSee how much fun they are?! If you are interested in Spring Family Sessions, email me at to reserve your spot!


Ontario Family Photographer | The DeBakker’s

Does anyone else feel like it was JUST January 1st, and now all of a sudden it is MARCH?! March!

One of my goals for this year was to improve my storytelling ability. I think I am beginning to see some improvement in my individual images in this sense by including more in the frame to tell the story, focusing on particular details, and embracing the reality of our life right now. But, part of my goal was to try to shoot stories in a series, maybe 5-10 images that can be put together to tell the story rather than just one. As you will see below, this is something I still need to work on.  I am hoping to do more of this and share these mini stories on the blog, instead of spamming you with a month’s worth of unrelated images all at once! I have been trying to find brainstorm a creative way to share my 365 project this year, but alas here I am on month 3 and haven’t blogged anything! So in the interest of time, I am just going to share my monthly favourites. And we all know I cannot cull down images to save my life, so this post is full (of pure cuteness, in my expert opinion).

Without any further ado, here are my January favourites

Jan. 1

Jan. 2

Storytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

Jan. 4

Storytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

Jan. 5

Storytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

Jan. 9

Storytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

Jan. 10

Storytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

Jan. 13

Storytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

Jan. 15

Storytelling Photographer Chatham-KentStorytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

Jan. 16

Storytelling Photographer Chatham-KentStorytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

Jan. 17

Storytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

Jan. 18Storytelling Photographer Chatham-KentStorytelling Photographer Chatham-KentStorytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

Jan. 21

Storytelling Photographer Chatham-KentJan. 22
Storytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

Jan. 25

Storytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

Jan. 26

Storytelling Photographer Chatham-KentStorytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

Jan. 30

Storytelling Photographer Chatham-KentStorytelling Photographer Chatham-KentThanks for stopping by for a peek! If you are looking for a Storytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent, let’s chat! I would love a chance to tell your story.
Xo, B.

January Favourites | Storytelling Photographer Chatham-Kent

As I gear up for the busy 2017 Spring season I am hustling trying to get all of my 2016 sessions blogged. If you are interested in booking a session for the Spring, get in touch sooner rather than later as I am only taking a limited number of sessions this year!

So here we go, back in time to a beautiful October evening. This was my second year in a row photographing this family, and there is no greater compliment than returning customers! Miss G has grown up so much, and her little giggle and sneaky smile are what every mom dreams of. And those curls!! She was actually so adorable showing me her bedtime routine, tucking Daddy in and rubbing his back, and like a good Dad does, he played along with her every step of the way.

Thank you again Hart Family, I hope these moments are treasured.

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The Harts | Chatham Ontario Family Photography

Finally! I made it to the end of the year! Phew. And in decent time if I do say so myself. This project has been perfect for me. After finishing a 365 Project in 2015, I needed a bit of breathing room.  I ended up shooting almost daily anyway, but without the pressure of needed to shoot every day. I am so happy I have all of these memories documented, and I am planning another album to be printed of this year. 2016 was so good to us, we brought Gryffin earth side, we had some fun family trips, and I got to spend about 75% of it at home with my boys. My camera has blessed me immensely, and continues to, as it allows me to see so much beauty in my life and in the hustle-bustle of our everyday. Thank you to everyone who followed along in this series this year. I have heard so much positive feedback, and it totally makes my day every time, so thank you all for coming and reading (or if you skip over the word vomit and head straight for the eye candy, that’s ok too!)

So our final week of December was obviously filled with Christmas activities. Our Christmas this year was busy, crazy and pretty awesome. Archer is at such a magical age and he got us all right into the Christmas spirit. And he still talks daily about Christmas “in a long long day” (next Christmas). Alright, I’ll get to the good stuff…

Christmas Eve watching for a sign of Santa and Rudolph’s nose in the sky

family photography chatham kentfamily photography chatham kent

Christmas morning we got up before Archer (like the giddy children we are) and patiently waited for him (and the sun) to arrive. He was so helpful, opening gifts for Wilfrid and Gryff. And he still spends a solid chunk of his days alternating between Iron Man, Batman, Captain America and Hulk and saving the world.

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A few cuties in there, I’d say.

Thanks again for following along this year. It has been amazing! Stay tuned for some 2017 projects I have on to go – including another 365!

Xo, B.

Week 52 | Project 52 | Family Photography Chatham-Kent

Archer was beyond excited for the first big snow fall of the season. We had just got his Avengers coat and snow pants in the mail, and he could not wait to get all geared up and play outside. We took full advantage of both of Gryffin’s naps, and he went out again with Eric when it was time to shovel. He had an absolute blast! There is nothing quite like seeing those rosy cheeks on a smiling face!

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chatham kent lifestyle photographychatham kent lifestyle photographychatham kent lifestyle photographychatham kent lifestyle photographychatham kent lifestyle photography

When you teach your son to throw snow balls, you open yourself up to a world of torture.

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chatham kent lifestyle photography

Did you guys get out to play with your kids, too? I hope you followed it up with some hot chocolate and marshmallows like we did (just marshmallows for Arch).


Week 51 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

I’m throwing it back a few months to the cutest family session ever. This mini session at a local orchard was so much fun, and I was so pleased with how the images turned out. Megan and Mike were super laid-back about the session, and Evie was the perfect little ham during the whole thing. The most amazing part of lifestyle photography is watching natural interactions unfold and seeing how families love on one another. The best images come from the in-between moments, as you can see below. Thanks Mike and Megan, I hope you are still loving these as much as I am months later.

Chatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Ontario Family Photographer

Burnett Family | Chatham-Kent Ontario Family Photographer

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO