Ontario Family Photographer

Ontario Family Photographer | The DeBakker’s

This family literally lit up my day when I met with them. They are obviously very close, extremely loving and supportive of each other, and they knew how to have a good time. Anyone who knows them would tell you the same thing. They set up this session as a gift for their mom, and as you can see she was absolutely glowing and so happy the entire time, being surrounded by her children and grandchildren. Everyone was genuinely happy to be spending the afternoon together, and although some of them were a little reluctant to get their pictures taken (cough – Dave – cough), it was obvious how much fun they all have together. And coming from a blended family myself, they hold a special place in my heart. There is nothing I love more than seeing families come together and welcome everyone in with open arms.

Thank you to the DeBakker Family for having me – you really made my job an easy one! I hope you are all still loving the images from your fall session.

Ontario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerOntario Family PhotographerSee how much fun they are?! If you are interested in Spring Family Sessions, email me at brittanyelizabethphoto@gmail.com to reserve your spot!


  1. Michele Myers says:

    Stunning real life photos

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO