Family Photographer Chatham Kent

February Favourites | Family Photographer Chatham-Kent

February is always a rough month. The rush of the new year is over, the days are short, and the weather is cold. I am thankful everyday for the beauty I see through my camera, because without it I would not be the same person. Documenting our days is not always easy, and sometimes when I am lacking inspiration I get these thoughts in my head about it being insignificant, or that no one cares, or that they aren’t good enough. But I am so glad that I push through those days, because at the end of the week/month/year, I have something so special to look back on. So many memories documented, so many moments recorded: proof that it really does matter. How lucky am I to be the one who gets to see this every day? How lucky am I to be able to go back and re live it? How lucky am I to have tangible memories to share with my boys when they are older?

Next month I am launching my first introductory photography course for Moms, called Life At Home. It will focus on learning the basics of photography and documenting your everyday at home with your children. Be sure to join my Newsletter if you are interested in joining me!

Here is our February. It is not perfect. I felt like I was in a major slump for the month, but it still yielded some amazing memories for us to look back on. And that is all that matters. Whether anyone reads this or looks at the images is insignificant, but these moments together and memories made is what life is all about.

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My Spring calendar is filling up, so if you’re looking for a family photographer in Chatham-Kent, email me at to reserve your spot! Also, if you’re wondering whether my children ever get dressed, the answer is no. 😉

Xo, B.

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO