CK Ont Photographer

Week 41 + 42 | Project 52 | CK Ont Photographer

Time is flying so fast with Gryffin, I can’t even believe he is already crawling, eating solids, and the other day Eric says he pulled himself up. But I don’t believe that, not until he does it in front of me. He doesn’t do new things unless I’m around, right?

When Archer was nearing 6 months, I was so exhausted and desperate for him to sleep through the night that as soon as someone told me feeding him solids might get him to sleep better I ran out to the store and we were home trying baby cereal within a few hours. Now, in my desperation it didn’t even cross my mind that Eric might want to be present for the event, and I think he was a little disappointed that I did it without him. So this time I knew I would wait until all four of us were home to watch the funny faces Gryff made as he tried his first taste of food. It was fun to do it together, and we even let Archer get involved and try to feed him a little spoonful.

Gryffin has since decided he does not like pureed food at all, and just wants to feed himself chunks of chicken. Needless to say, this little phase was short-lived, but well documented. And now that I’m looking at it, in a short months time he has outgrown those clothes and is no longer allowed to sit in that seat because he can get out of it. Time is a real bitch sometimes.

CK Ont PhotographerCK Ont PhotographerCK Ont PhotographerCK Ont Photographer

A little Halloween-themed birthday party for our friend Nolan brought a bunch of these cuties together – a great excuse to wear their Halloween costumes to do some Fall activities.


Those cheeks, Nolan. Oh my gaaaaaaad.

On Sundays we usually go watch Eric play hockey, and on a good day I am a disaster carrying a carseat, blankets, Timbits, coffee and a diaper bag through the arena while chasing a 3 year old. Buuuut on this particular day, I may have been seen dragging a certain someone who was throwing a little bitty tantrum from the arena to the car. Good times. I was able to get one buckle on his carseat done up through his thrashing to restrain him while he finished his yelling enough for us to talk. Once he calmed down we had a little chat as these pretty little lights danced on his face and I couldn’t help myself.

CK Ont PhotographerCK Ont PhotographerOf course, getting so frustrated is exhausting.

And rounding up Week 42 was a little combined birthday party for Archer and Lachlann at Grandma and Papa’s house. Dollar store grab bags for the win!



Can you believe we only have 10 more weeks to go before the end of the year?!

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO