Chatham ON Family Photography

Week 35 + 36 | Project 52 | Chatham ON Family Photography

After finishing my 100 Days of Summer series and a very busy August, I decided to take a little break from my camera and not worry about picking it up daily. Although it felt good, it means I have barely any images from Week 35, hence why this post is for 2 weeks! It worked out nicely anyway, with the theme of the images being quite similar.

Archer is only getting better and better at this big brother thing. He loves hanging out with Gryff, and has started to want him to be with him while he plays, and even asks to wake him up while he is napping (um, no.). I can already see how much Gryff looks up to him too, with his eyes constantly searching the room for him, and saving his biggest smiles for his big brother. These two boys have lit a fire in me like nothing else, and just when I thought it couldn’t get better, it does. Easy? No. But it is so good.

Archer loves to climb into Gryffin’s crib when he wakes up from his naps. It usually starts with some gentle words and kisses, and ends with me pulling a wide-eyed Gryffin from beneath the jumping man-child Archer.

Chatham ON Family PhotographyChatham ON Family PhotographyChatham ON Family Photography

Despite being a little rough with him, Gryffin has yet to find a flaw in his big brother. And who can blame him? He really is the best. Happy to share toys (you know, like 75% of the time), and talking to him non stop (which, if you’ve ever met Archer should not surprise you at all. It took him 35 minutes to eat his breakfast this morning because he wouldn’t stop talking).

Chatham ON Family PhotographyChatham ON Family PhotographyChatham ON Family PhotographyChatham ON Family PhotographyChatham ON Family PhotographyChatham ON Family PhotographyChatham ON Family PhotographyChatham ON Family Photography

At this point gentle tickles quickly turn to WWE moves, and my googly heart eyes are replaced with the mom-voice I didn’t know I had.

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO