Chatham Ontario Photographer

Week 34 | Project 52 | Chatham Ontario Photographer

After finishing my 100 Days of Summer, I was happy to set my camera down and take a breather for a few days, step back and enjoy our days without documenting. I love doing little projects like that, but I always find I put pressure on myself to create something exceptional each day, which just isn’t possible. This summer we spent more days than I would like to admit at home, in our jams, playing inside. Between the humidity, and the harsh sun with a baby, none of us wanted to spend a significant amount of time outdoors. This was the last few days of the project, and I was trying to let go of the idea that I had to create “summer” images, and instead focused on our home life. So instead of trying to create adventures that none of us wanted to go on, we found our fun at home.

Chatham Ontario PhotographerChatham Ontario Photographer

Archer has started asking me if he can take pictures too, so I helped him hold the camera to take this one. Not bad for an almost 3 year old who’s hand isn’t big enough to focus and click the shutter at the same time.

Chatham Ontario Photographer

The witching hour is a real thing over here, so usually while I am making dinner it is melt-down central, but this rare day Archer asked if he could help me make dinner…

Chatham Ontario PhotographerChatham Ontario PhotographerNot sure whether these ginger hairs are going to stick around forever, but getting proof while we can.

Chatham Ontario PhotographerChatham Ontario PhotographerChatham Ontario PhotographerOur weekly trip to the library, and Archers haul…
Chatham Ontario Photographer

Our 4th anniversary was spent on the deck with a fire, some s’mores, and our boys. A lot has happened in 4 years.

Chatham Ontario Photographer
Chatham Ontario Photographer

And the only picture I took at our friends Labour Day bash while the kids swam in the big river. You know Eric is a dedicated father when he gets in the St. Clair River…
Chatham Ontario Photographer

Happy Sunday everybody. I hope you’re spending it with your family, doing what you love.


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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO