mother daughter session

Mother Daughter Session at home in Petrolia, Ontario

Mother daughter session

Lakyn is also a family and wedding photographer in my area, and she is just as lovely in person as she seems on social media. She asked me to come to her home for a mother daughter session, and we had so much fun together. Here little Elle is a fire cracker – and not just because of that beautiful red hair! She was full of energy and sass, and all the things we love about strong little women.

mother daughter session
mother daughter session

A mother daughter session is a great way to get in the frame with your kids

Most moms are not the ones in front of the camera. We have tens of thousands of images on our phones and computers of our kids, and even our partners, but very few of us. Booking a mother daughter session is a great way to get some pictures with your kids. Images of your mother are rare, but so incredibly meaningful for kids to have! So book the session, get in the frame, and my goodness print the pictures!

mother daughter session
mother daughter session
mother daughter session

Our little ones grow up so fast, and time really is a thief. Making the time to book family photos and prioritizing these simple moments is so important. Having images of you jumping on the bed together, holding your little one in your arms, or curled up on the couch together with your favourite book will never be something you will regret. These types of sessions make the perfect coffee table books so you can continue to look back on them whenever you are missing those toddler days. If you are interested in booking an in home mother daughter session, or a motherhood session, reach out today! These sessions have my heart, they are the most rewarding to deliver and I know you will not regret it.

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO