Meet the DeVries | Chatham-Kent Wedding Films

I am so excited to share this amazing couple with you all. When Krista and Mike asked me to document their wedding day and create a wedding film, I was SO nervous, but also so excited. I’ve known Krista since high school, and I knew this wedding was going to be beautiful. This was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up, no matter how nervous I was.

In the months leading up I made sure I covered all of my bases. I contacted some other local talent for some direction and equipment (Thanks Ben!!), I reached out to many online friends to learn some new tricks, I studied everything I had learned in my film course last summer and I watched endless wedding films online for inspiration.

As it turns out, studying and practicing can only get you so far. On Krista and Mike’s big day, they had a few unexpected hurdles to overcome. These problems could have been met with stress, anger or even tears, but instead they were met with grace and prayers.

Once of my favourite things about weddings is hearing two people, so in love, dedicate themselves to each other. On this day they are filled with such joy and hope for each other, wanting nothing but the best for their partner and their future. I always come home feeling rejuvenated, and reminded of how important my marriage is, and how important it is for me to continually dedicate myself to my husband and our relationship. Krista and Mike’s wedding was no exception. I was in tears on more than one occasion, and had a big fat smile plastered on my face for the rest of it. I left the estate feeling so full, and blessed to have witnessed their day.

Thank you so much Krista and Mike. For pushing me outside of my comfort zone, for inviting me to take part in your beautiful wedding, and also for reminding me of some of my own vows.

Check out Krista and Mike’s stunning wedding at Sydenham Ridge Estates


If you or someone you know is getting married and interested in a wedding film, please contact me at I would LOVE to document your love story, too.


XO, B.

  1. Yvonne M Linton says:

    This video is amazing! I was there and somehow the video brought out memories that I did not even experience from a distance. The experience is just more intimate up close. I am not sure how you captured so well so many candid, sacred moments between partners, friends, family and guests. It is artsy and clear and a far cry from the lurching video of my wedding 33 years ago, produced on beta tape!! Please keep expanding your comfort zone. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and learning and reminding us of the joy of marriage.

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