Chatham-Kent Family Photographer

Chatham-Kent Family Photographer | Week 18 | Project 52

Now, I’m giving you fair warning. We spend a lot of time at the park, so in the coming months, expect a lot of this… I bring my camera with me everywhere, and even though we visit this exact location multiple times in a week, that doesn’t mean it isn’t full of new opportunities (or some other creative bull – this is my excuse). Anyway, the park is an easy place for us to chill, with Gryffin sleeping in his seat or in the sling, Archer is free to roam and play. Often times there are other kids there, so I get a bonus few minutes to relax and watch him socialize (which by the way, he loves to do. He can talk to anyone, anywhere. He is his father’s son).

Chatham-Kent Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Family Photographer

As much as I am trying to get out of the house with both boys, sometimes we get cabin fever and spend the entire day at home. Home is also full of creative opportunities, but sometimes my subject is less willing to participate when he is cornered. I give you Photographer’s Kid Syndrome:

Chatham-Kent Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Family Photographer

I used to make fun of people who dressed their kids in matching outfits. And now, I am obsessed. And I have no shame. I have been a little disappointed with the lack of outfits that range from newborn to 3T however, and these jams were one of the only options. But, they did the trick for a Saturday morning snuggle session.

Yes, I did plan their outfits before they went to bed with this in mind. Judge all you want –  again, I have no shame.

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I cannot get over how BIG Archer is since having Gryffin. I feel like he grew up instantly. His hands are like catcher’s mitts and his head is the size of Gryffin’s entire body when he is all snuggled up.

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I am hoping that is chocolate on his hand…

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(Archer: “we’re done here.”)

Chatham-Kent Family Photographer

And whenever it rains, even just a little, we have to go looking for muddy puddles. Never getting over this rain jacket.

Chatham-Kent Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Family Photographer

Greenhouses might be one of my favourite places in the spring. I can’t wait to get out into the garden and start planting. With the weather so up-and-down lately we haven’t done much, but we took a walk through All Seasons to get out of the house and I could have stayed all day. But, in true toddler fashion, Archer was running around, pulling petals off of flowers and knocking over hanging baskets. So I don’t think we would have been welcome all day. 15 minutes was probably enough.

Chatham-Kent Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Family Photographer

On a side note, anyone want to do a family photography session at a greenhouse? I would be in heaven!

Chatham-Kent Family Photographer

And finishing the week off was Mother’s Day. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, these boys are everything to me. They have taught me more about myself than anything else, and they make me want to be better every day. Between all of the crazy and rough moments are a million amazing ones, and I don’t ever want to get off of this roller coaster ride.

Chatham-Kent Family Photographer

I have an amazing role model in my mother and I am so happy my boys get to spend as much time with her as they do.

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Chatham-Kent Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Family PhotographerChatham-Kent Family Photographer

Reese’s brownies made by my boys and tulips picked from the garden were the perfect end to my Mother’s Day.

xo, B.

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO