Week 6 | Projet 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

Well, we finally had some of that white fluffy stuff show up, even if it was only for a few days. Archer and I enjoyed approximately 15 minutes outside one sunny morning. It was all fun and games until his mitten fell off and he touched the snow with his bare hands, at which point the world came to an end and a two-year-old sized tantrum ensued. The fun adventure ended with both of us covered in frozen snot and ready for a nap.Week 6-1Week 6-2Week 6-3Week 6-4Week 6-5

Valentine’s Day is not a holiday we generally celebrate, but I just can’t help myself when I see cute little take-out boxes screaming to be filled with candy for him. Since dad was gone on a fishing trip Archer and I enjoyed a pyjama day filled with “marties” and cuddles. As always, Archer was happy to share with the dog.Week 6-6Week 6-7Week 6-8

Archer and Wilf have a really funny relationship, which I think will only be strengthened once this next little bruiser arrives. Wilf is usually pretty reluctant to play with Archer (unless is involves adult attention), but Archer gives him no choice by chasing him around the house with his ATV

Week 6-10

This usually ends with Wilf running up the stairs to escape after a few laps, and Archer hunting him down saying “I sorry Wilf, you my best friend”. (This both melts my heart and makes me jealous at the same time, because um, I thought I was your best friend?!)

Week 6-11

And once nap time arrives Wilf sighs in relief while I set to work

Week 6-9Week 6-12

And just to finish the week off right, a little toddler time-out for you. I don’t even remember what he did, but he takes his time-outs very seriously. And I can’t help but suppress a giggle when he is just so cute and apologizing to me through a face full of tears and, you guessed it, more snot.

Week 6-13Week 6-14Week 6-15

I mean, how can you stay mad at that face?

Happy Monday folks!



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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO