Week 52 | Project 52 | Family Photography Chatham-Kent

Finally! I made it to the end of the year! Phew. And in decent time if I do say so myself. This project has been perfect for me. After finishing a 365 Project in 2015, I needed a bit of breathing room.  I ended up shooting almost daily anyway, but without the pressure of needed to shoot every day. I am so happy I have all of these memories documented, and I am planning another album to be printed of this year. 2016 was so good to us, we brought Gryffin earth side, we had some fun family trips, and I got to spend about 75% of it at home with my boys. My camera has blessed me immensely, and continues to, as it allows me to see so much beauty in my life and in the hustle-bustle of our everyday. Thank you to everyone who followed along in this series this year. I have heard so much positive feedback, and it totally makes my day every time, so thank you all for coming and reading (or if you skip over the word vomit and head straight for the eye candy, that’s ok too!)

So our final week of December was obviously filled with Christmas activities. Our Christmas this year was busy, crazy and pretty awesome. Archer is at such a magical age and he got us all right into the Christmas spirit. And he still talks daily about Christmas “in a long long day” (next Christmas). Alright, I’ll get to the good stuff…

Christmas Eve watching for a sign of Santa and Rudolph’s nose in the sky

family photography chatham kentfamily photography chatham kent

Christmas morning we got up before Archer (like the giddy children we are) and patiently waited for him (and the sun) to arrive. He was so helpful, opening gifts for Wilfrid and Gryff. And he still spends a solid chunk of his days alternating between Iron Man, Batman, Captain America and Hulk and saving the world.

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A few cuties in there, I’d say.

Thanks again for following along this year. It has been amazing! Stay tuned for some 2017 projects I have on to go – including another 365!

Xo, B.

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO