Week 43 + 44 | Project 52 | CK Family Photography

Weeks 43 and 44 were all about Halloween and Archer’s 3rd birthday. We were a little behind schedule and finally ran out to find some last minute pumpkins a few days before Halloween to carve. Archer had already carved one at daycare, which he told everyone was for his little baby sister. No announcements over here, just a toddler who is putting some pressure on Dad for #3. Anyway, we found a little stand close to home with a few remaining pumpkins for Archer to pick out. He was as you can see, quite ecstatic when I told him he could jump off the hay bails.


Our local library runs some amazing activities for the little kids, one of which was pumpkin decorating after some Halloween stories. I have no idea who he was making that face to, but I sincerely hope it wasn’t another child.


Archer’s 3rd birthday Eric took the day off work and we went to the Superstore in the morning so Archer and I could do a little kids cooking class. It was really fun to do with him, and I highly recommend them to any locals with kids! They usually run on P.D days and for each holiday. After that we got a few donuts and headed home for a relaxing afternoon. That evening we had a little get-together for him with some friends and family. It ended up being a bit more than we had planned, but I think overall he had a great day.


Now, when it came time to actually carve the pumpkins we got, I thought I would give Archer his little toddler knife and I could show him how to do it properly without having to worry about him hurting himself. Turns out he has some serious knife skills and he just went to town on that pumpkin. It was a little unnerving, so when it came time to do any actual cutting I took over so no innocent bystanders would be hurt.ck-family-photography-13ck-family-photography-14ck-family-photography-15ck-family-photography-16And in keeping with our Halloween tradition, we hit up Nanny’s house first and took a front step picture for the books. Check out these two hams…
ck-family-photography-18ck-family-photography-19ck-family-photography-20ck-family-photography-21My game of catch-up is almost complete with only 8 weeks left in 2016! I am planning some fun stuff for 2017 too, but stay tuned for November and December shenanigans.

xo, B.



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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO