Chatham ON Lifestyle Photographer

Week 39 + 40 | Project 52 | Chatham ON Lifestyle Photographer

Phew. What a whirlwind few weeks it has been. I have finally found a few minutes to sit down and blog while a little someone crawls around my feet. Yes, he is crawling. Before 7 months. I’m in trouble.

Here is a round up of Weeks 39 + 40. Because at this time I was focusing on making our October family film, I don’t have too many actual images from the month, so I think the next few posts will be combined weeks. And then I will catch up faster! Bonus! I am hoping to not drag this project too far into the New Year, so I need to get cracking!

First up, when you drive by a sunflower field and the owner happens to be walking her dog along side it, you jump out of your car and ask if you can check it out! Let’s just hope that next time it’s not in full sun at noon.

Chatham ON Lifestyle Photographer

This was on our way to the orchard to go apple picking. One of the local orchards had been kind enough to let me bring some clients there this fall, so I took the boys to get some apples of our own and support the local business. Archer loved the apple picking, and he only ate about 3 apples in the 3o minutes we were there.
chatham-on-lifestyle-photographer-2Chatham ON Lifestyle PhotographerChatham ON Lifestyle Photographer

Chatham ON Lifestyle PhotographerChatham ON Lifestyle PhotographerChatham ON Lifestyle PhotographerA little selfie action with my little Mr.


And the morning we bought Archer’s Halloween costume was the first of many spent playing Firehall. It is now nearing the end of November and the costume has yet to be put away in the costume bin.


Thanks for stopping by!


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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO