Week 2 of 52 | Project 52 | Chatham-Kent Lifestyle Photography

First off, thank you everyone for the kind words you have shared this week. It feels great to be back to blogging, and with a new project always brings a new energy. I hope you all enjoy following along through our little life.

Week 2 has been filled with some beautiful moments that at one point in my life I would have most likely viewed as mundane, even boring. Things like bath time, dinner conversations, saying good morning to the dog or playing trains for the millionth time. Expecting baby #2 and spending my days with a toddler has given me a whole new appreciation for these “in-between” moments. They are the ones you might miss if you weren’t paying attention. The moments that are so routine and a part of our daily schedule that we almost forget they even exist. One of my goals of this Project 52 is to capture more of these moments, because in the end, all of these tiny little mundane moments are the ones that make up our most meaningful days together. And the way I feel about life right now is something I never want to forget.

Week 2-1

Week 2-2

Archer is at the age now where we have started to give “time outs”, and he actually understands when he has done something wrong. All of my photographer friends will likely understand why I might have designated this wonderful little pocket of light as the time out corner.

Week 2-3

A quick trip to Home Depot last weekend ended up being the highlight of Archer’s day. They had a kids workshop going on and by chance we showed up just as it was starting. While Eric shopped for a new toilet Archer and I built a spinning box, and Dad returned just in time to help with the finishing touches.

Week 2-4

A curious little helper during the install process.

Week 2-5

And a nice little Saturday afternoon visit with Nanny, introducing her to all of the trains and showing her how they work. Their conversations are hilarious, by the way:

A: “Das Thomas, and Pewcy, and James”

N: “Pussy? Why would you call the train Pussy?”

Week 2-6Week 2-7

Sunday brought us a lazy day spent inside while the snow came down outside. The little nap-figher crashed on the couch for 2 hours and when I discovered him holding his little ear I just about melted.

Week 2-8Week 2-9

Monday I snuck in another day at home with my main man and we decided to paint some trees

Week 2-11

*bump photobomb*Week 2-12Week 2-13

Archer has some funky toe nails, and when he is not wearing socks he cannot keep his hands off his feet, asking me to trim his “finger toes nails”Week 2-15

And because I haven’t embarrassed him enough yet, I will finish off week 2 with a little toddler bum. This little man is getting so independent (aside from when he is asking to be Mummy’s baby), I couldn’t help but soak up this little attempt at getting in the bath on his own.

Week 2-10

Cheers to the mundane.


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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO