This week’s theme for my 2×52 with Ali is DOUBLE EXPOSURE, which to anyone who doesn’t know a lot about photography, probably means nothing. So I will enlighten you! I am not going to even attempt to claim to know much about film photography, because I am purely digital, but this is the quick and dirty run down. Back in the days of film, you could take multiple images on one frame of film, a technique I am now in awe of having given it a try. With film, you have no indication of what your first image was, or how the composition was in order to get the best combination of images. Now in the digital age, doing a double exposure in camera is a lot easier. You take your first shot, and then your live view screen is nice enough to show you a translucent version of your image in order to compose a second image on top. Are you lost? I kind of am too. I am a little embarrassed that this took me two whole nap times to take these images, and I know they are so far off from being perfect. Want to see some awesome double exposures? Just google it. You will be blown away.
Anyway, here is my images from this week, plus a bonus because I suck a picking just one. Click here to check out Ali’s DOUBLE EXPOSURE!