Sunset Mini Session | The Viteks

Sunset Mini Session

I have never seen a baby with a bigger smile than this little dude. Just the happiest, easy going guy! Allison & Wayne came out to our place for a sunset mini session and it may have only been 20 minutes, but I’d say it was a success! I could have photographed that smile for hours!

Can you believe this session was completely shot just on my road? Trust your photographer’s people! Light is EVERYTHING!

Sunset Mini Session
Sunset Mini Session
Sunset Mini Session
Sunset Mini Session
Sunset Mini Session
Sunset Mini Session
Sunset Mini Session
Sunset Mini Session
Sunset Mini Session

I don’t do mini sessions too often, but if you are interested in joining my mailing list, that is where all of my mini’s get announced first! And believe me, they go fast! Sign up here!

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO