Ontario Lifestyle Photography

Ontario Lifestyle Photography | Week 28 | Project 52

One of the highlights of Week 28 was going to Storybook Gardens with Nicole, Noah and Meme and Pepe. The boys had a great time walking through the story book village, and I think Archer would have stayed in the Firehall for the entire day if we would have let him. He loved all of the costumes they had to play with, despite me cringing as thoughts of lice swam through my mind. He is really starting to use his imagination and it is so fun to watch.

We were so lucky to get two whole weeks with Noah + company this summer. It was great for Archer and Noah to get to know each other a bit better, so now when we FaceTime they might actually know what is going on.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum.






Ontario Lifestyle Photography

Ontario Lifestyle PhotographyOntario Lifestyle Photography


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