Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography | Week 27 | Project 52

The second half of our trip out west was a little more relaxed. On Sunday we took the boys to Calaway Park, which was perfect for their age. They were able to go on a lot rides by themselves, and most others with a parent. Although the weather was questionable, a storm rolled through (conveniently) over the lunch hour, and then the afternoon was just right.

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Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family PhotographyChatham Lifestyle Family PhotographyChatham Lifestyle Family Photography

We were also lucky enough to spend some time with friends of Eric and Dave’s from university who we now only see at weddings and vacations. It was really fun to see the next generation playing together and to catch up with everyone.

Chatham Lifestyle Family PhotographyChatham Lifestyle Family PhotographyChatham Lifestyle Family PhotographyChatham Lifestyle Family PhotographyChatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham-lifestyle-family-photography-20Chatham Lifestyle Family PhotographyChatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

On Monday we went to Drumheller to the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, which Archer had been waiting to do for months. Note to self: Next time you are taking a big trip, don’t tell your 2 year old a month in advance. He was buzzing with excitement and even got a little out of hand in the museum because he just couldn’t handle it all! The way the museum is set up, you can see some upcoming exhibits above or below you, and he just couldn’t wait to get to the next part. It really is too bad that he won’t remember this, because he really was in his glory.

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

As always, we were happy to get to spend a day with my Aunt and Uncle, who are always such gracious hosts. Archer had a great time playing with my Aunt Brenda and all of their fun toys. Unfortunately I only snapped one quick picture. Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Finally a relaxing afternoon, just hanging out and playing with the boys.

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography


Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Our first day home we decided to just relax, unpack and have a movie night with some popcorn. While unpacking, Archer found his sticker book in the carry-on, and you and guess how he kept himself busy for a few minutes while I put laundry away. Poor Gryffin…

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography



Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

And after spending a week at Nicole and Dave’s, then Nicole and Noah came to us for a week at home. Our first evening together was spent at Nanny’s house. And like any good time at Nanny’s house, there was good food, lots of toys and some (not pictured) naked grandkids in the kiddie pool.


Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

Chatham Lifestyle Family Photography

I hope this Monday starts your week off right!

Cheers, B.

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO