August Favourites | Ontario Documentary Photography

Oh, it’s December? Looking on the bright side, I am ONLY 4 months late in blogging my 365. I haven’t been sharing much personal work lately, but I am still shooting daily (even if they are less than inspiring). August was full of some amazing moments.. We went on our first no-babies weekend away to celebrate 5 years of marriage, we went on countless family walks, Archer got his first set of hockey equipment and we started our garden harvest. I love getting to look back to 4 months ago and see how these two crazy boys have grown! I mean, both of them have grown out of these clothes! And this was days before Archer started school and he said goodbye to his beloved daycare. Ok, I’ll back away before I start to cry… check out the hashtag #beproject365 on Instagram for some more glimpses of our everyday!

Ontario Documentary Photographer, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photography, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photographer, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photography, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photographer, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photography, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photography, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photography, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photography, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photography, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photography, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photographer, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photography, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photography, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photography, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photographer, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photography, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365Ontario Documentary Photography, Brittany VanRuymbeke Photos, Project 365

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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO