April Favourites | Chatham Family Photographer

I am sure you have all been absolutely beside yourselves wondering why I haven’t been blogging… As it turns out, having a full time job takes up a lot of time and energy! Who knew?! Although I have still been working on my business a lot, it just usually happens between 9-11 pm, soooooo I may have been choosing to sleep instead (or watch Scandal, but whatever). In all seriousness, I am working lots, but finding it hard to carve out time to share. I have been turning to Instagram more than ever lately because it is quick and easy (if you don’t already, go follow me! @brittanyvanruymbekephotos).

Buuuut I thought it was about time I shared my April favourites, and looking back on the month it was awesome. Our little G turned ONE. I can’t even start talking about that because I WILL. NOT. STOP. All the usual reactions: “Time is flying”, “Why God, why?!”, “Is this for fucking-real?”, you know, normal mom thoughts.

Photographically I don’t think April was a strong month for me. It was kind of dark and dreary despite it being Spring, and I don’t know about you but I was definitely over it. I shot less frames in April than any other month in the past 2 years. It was also my first month back to work, and the hours between dinner and bed time just seemed to disappear into housework, meltdowns and meal prep. I don’t know why I feel the need to justify myself, because I’m pretty sure that describes everyones life, but alas… I’ll stop talking now.







Happy First Birthday Gryffin. You have completed our family in the most perfect way. You are smart, hilarious, mischievous, exhausting and so full of joy. I can’t wait to see where this beautiful life takes you.

Happy Friday ya’ll!


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imagery by BRITTANY VANRUYMBEKE | site design by LUNAR & CO