5 Reasons why your next family session should be at home | In-home family photography

My all-time favourite way to document a family is in their home. Of course the parks in the Spring and Fall are gorgeous, and the backdrop of flowers and autumn leaves is amazing, but there is just something so special about the way a family interacts in their own home. So, I am here today because I want to tell you 5 reasons why your next family session should be at home.

You are all already comfortable in your own home. 

There is a reason this is #1 – the way you interact in your home is completely different and more natural than when you are somewhere else. Think about it: if we are in your living room and I ask you to sit close together, chances are there is already a spot you would normally do that in, and you will all fall naturally into that pose together, instead of looking around the big open field and asking me where or how. Plus, you don’t need to rush to get ready and out of the house on time, so you will all already be much more relaxed by the time I arrive for the session. And, even if you’re not ready when I arrive, I can spend some extra time one-on-one with the kids while you finish getting yourself ready! Your kids can keep playing with their toys, they know their way around and if they need a drink or a snack, they can have one waiting for them right there on the table. There will be no worry of them running off down a trail, no need to bother with sunscreen or bug spray. Easy peasy.


Alone time is always available (even encouraged!).

Let’s be honest, most guys don’t exactly love when it’s time for family pictures. The bonus of being at home, is when Dad decides he needs a beer, or wants to stand back for a few minutes he totally can. I tend to think that Dad’s are in most of your family pictures anyway, as we Mom’s are always behind the camera, so this is a great opportunity for your children to get some shots with you!

In-home sessions are so great because if anyone needs a moment to compose themselves or a minute alone, they have a comfortable place to retreat to and come back to the fun when they are ready! These moments also sometimes open up opportunities to photograph your little ones in their most natural state in their bedrooms or play space.


Your prints will match your decor.

No need to worry if those orange leaves will clash with your blue walls, because all of the tones and colours in your prints will perfectly reflect the colours of your home. People also tend to wear clothing in the same colour palettes as their homes, so you can wear whatever you are comfortable in!


You will get an opportunity to document the little details of your life right now.

During in-home sessions I try to take a few shots of your surroundings. It is hard to know what exactly you will miss in the years to come, but having some images of your child’s favourite toy bin, or the books your read each night, or their jacket thrown over a chair will no doubt bring back some cherished memories in a few years time. Having your home as the background creates so many opportunities to document those every day moments that we often take for granted.


No one else’s pictures will look like yours

You can guarantee that no one else will have images that look like yours. No one could ever replicate the memories you are making in your own home on a daily basis, and no other family is living this life like you are, so embrace it!


Now don’t get me wrong, I love being outdoors with families, exploring parks with beautiful light and interesting shadows. That is something I will always love doing and there is no denying that your family photos will turn out beautiful – but there is just no comparison to the comfort of your own home. Your home is where all of your love is, where the majority of your memories are made, and where your next family photography session should be.

If you are interested in an in-home family photography session, click here to get in touch with me today!

  1. […] sessions have taken over the family photography trends. I won’t bore you with the reasons why (again), but this session from last February speaks for itself. Kara wanted a relaxed and fun session at […]

  2. […] have taken over the family photography trends. I won’t bore you with the reasons why (again), but this session from last February speaks for itself. Kara wanted a relaxed and fun session at […]

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